Gardening with Array of Light Family Child Care
When children get to put their hands in the dirt, it transforms their whole world. At Ms. Sharon Jackson’s Array of Light Childcare in Millbrook, this is happening every day.
When children get to put their hands in the dirt, it transforms their whole world. At Ms. Sharon Jackson’s Array of Light Childcare in Millbrook, this is happening every day.
Farming makes up a huge part of the economy and jobs in Alabama. Our state and local economies depend on our farmers. Living in Alabama, we have many great opportunities to eat locally and benefit from what’s around us.
Farm to early care and education (Farm to ECE) encompasses efforts that bring locally or regionally produced foods into ECE programs using three core strategies: local food sourcing, gardening, and food and agriculture education.
Enriching the quality of early learning experiences for children and supporting the Alabama food economy.
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