For the Classroom
Farm to ECE Winter Lessons

Gardening in ECE Settings
Looking to start a fruit or vegetable garden at your center/home? Check out the Alabama Seasonal Produce Guide for guidance on the peak seasons for your favorite fruits and vegetables!
Local Food Purchasing
Family and Community Engagement
The Farm to Early Care and Education Self-Assessment Tool, created by the National Farm to School Network and the Association of State Public Health Nutritionists, is designed for childcare providers to evaluate and enhance their Farm to ECE activities.
How to Use It:
Get Your Team Together: Gather your team, including teachers, kitchen staff, family engagement coordinators, and administrators. For smaller centers or family childcare homes, this may be just one or two people.
Review and Record: Go through each item in the assessment as a group. Mark the option that best describes what you’re currently doing and write any extra comments if needed.
Set Goals: Pick one area where you want to make changes and choose up to three goals to focus on.
Set a Date to Reassess: Schedule a date to review your progress and update your goals.
This tool is valuable for documenting and enhancing Farm to ECE efforts, which in turn helps to support access to nutritious food and engagement of families and communities within the food system.
Acknowledgment: The Alabama Farm to ECE Coalition attributes the resources listed to the following organizations: National Farm to School Network, the Association of State Public Health Nutritionists, Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries, the United States Department of Agriculture, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, and the Iowa Food and Fitness Initiative.